Source code for kittycad.api.payments.update_payment_balance_for_any_org

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import httpx

from ...client import Client
from ...models.customer_balance import CustomerBalance
from ...models.error import Error
from ...models.update_payment_balance import UpdatePaymentBalance
from ...models.uuid import Uuid
from ...types import Response

[docs] def _get_kwargs( id: Uuid, body: UpdatePaymentBalance, *, client: Client, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: url = "{}/orgs/{id}/payment/balance".format( client.base_url, id=id, ) # noqa: E501 headers: Dict[str, Any] = client.get_headers() cookies: Dict[str, Any] = client.get_cookies() return { "url": url, "headers": headers, "cookies": cookies, "timeout": client.get_timeout(), "content": body.model_dump_json(), }
[docs] def _parse_response( *, response: httpx.Response ) -> Optional[Union[CustomerBalance, Error]]: if response.status_code == 200: response_200 = CustomerBalance(**response.json()) return response_200 if response.status_code == 400: response_4XX = Error(**response.json()) return response_4XX if response.status_code == 500: response_5XX = Error(**response.json()) return response_5XX return Error(**response.json())
[docs] def _build_response( *, response: httpx.Response ) -> Response[Optional[Union[CustomerBalance, Error]]]: return Response( status_code=response.status_code, content=response.content, headers=response.headers, parsed=_parse_response(response=response), )
[docs] def sync_detailed( id: Uuid, body: UpdatePaymentBalance, *, client: Client, ) -> Response[Optional[Union[CustomerBalance, Error]]]: kwargs = _get_kwargs( id=id, body=body, client=client, ) response = httpx.put( verify=client.verify_ssl, **kwargs, ) return _build_response(response=response)
[docs] def sync( id: Uuid, body: UpdatePaymentBalance, *, client: Client, ) -> Optional[Union[CustomerBalance, Error]]: """This endpoint requires authentication by a Zoo employee. It updates the balance information for the specified org.""" # noqa: E501 return sync_detailed( id=id, body=body, client=client, ).parsed
[docs] async def asyncio_detailed( id: Uuid, body: UpdatePaymentBalance, *, client: Client, ) -> Response[Optional[Union[CustomerBalance, Error]]]: kwargs = _get_kwargs( id=id, body=body, client=client, ) async with httpx.AsyncClient(verify=client.verify_ssl) as _client: response = await _client.put(**kwargs) return _build_response(response=response)
[docs] async def asyncio( id: Uuid, body: UpdatePaymentBalance, *, client: Client, ) -> Optional[Union[CustomerBalance, Error]]: """This endpoint requires authentication by a Zoo employee. It updates the balance information for the specified org.""" # noqa: E501 return ( await asyncio_detailed( id=id, body=body, client=client, ) ).parsed